Griechische musik instrumental
Griechische musik instrumental

Mayhew (ed.), The Aristotelian Problemata physica. 11? Disentangling the Components of Voices. Hagel, An invention worth fifty cows: Evidence for supra-regionality in tortoise shell lyre construction. Hagel, ‘Leading notes’ in ancient Near Eastern and Greek music and their relation to instrument design. Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes in Wien, Bd. Flavius Damianus und der Grabbau seiner Familie: Überlegungen zu dem Grabgedicht. Performing dance in archaic and classical Greece, Pisa-Roma 2017, 198–214. Hagel, Language and dance: a non-Platonising view. Hagel, Xiwangmu’s double pipe: a musical link to the far Hellenistic West?. Spinelli (eds.), Artistry in Bronze: The Greeks and Their Legacy (XIXth International Congress on Ancient Bronzes), Los Angeles (Getty Publications) 2017, 381–388. Hagel, The auloi from Meroë: Preliminary notes on the conservation, technical examination, and interpretation of a cache of ancient musical instruments. (edd.), Music and Sounds in Ancient Europe. Hagel, A Gift from the Gods – Music in Ancient Greek Myth. Hagel, Being the Best – Musical Contests in Antiquity. Hagel, An Alphabet of Sound – the First Known Melodic Notation. Hagel, Ancient Greece – The Birth of Music. Hagel, Warriors and Bards – the Dominant Lyre. In: Músiques a l’antiguitat, Viena Edicions 2018, 307–309. Hagel, Comprendre la música antiga gràcies a les noves tecnologies. In: Músicas en la antigüedad, Ediciones Invisibles 2018, 307–309.

griechische musik instrumental

Hagel, Comprender la música antigua gracias a las nuevas tecnologías. Greek and Roman Musical Studies 6 (2018) 128–176. Hagel, ‘Musics’, Bellermann’s Anonymi, and the art of the aulos. Hagel, Adjusting words to music: Overlongs and the example of ‘dactylo-epitrite’. Würzburg: Würzburg University Press 2019, 91–96. Begleitband zur Ausstellung im Martin von Wagner Museum der Universität Würzburg. Wiener (eds.), MUS-IC-ON! Klang der Antike. Hagel, Musik schreiben – das Notationssystem der klassischen Antike. Hagel, Reconstructing the Auloi from Queen Amanishakheto’s Pyramid. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, Berlin 2019, 87–103. Lawson (eds.), Music and politics in the Ancient World. Hagel, Shaping characters: An ancient science of musical ethos? In: R. Lund, Publications of the ICTM Study Group for Music Archaeology, Vol. Rainio (eds.), The Archaeology of Sound, Acoustics and Music: Studies in Honour of Cajsa S. Hagel, The birth of European music from the spirit of the lyre. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World, Hoboken/NJ, 2020, 297–310. Rocconi (eds.), Companion to Ancient Greek and Roman Music. Meriani, (eds), La tomba del Tuffatore: rito, arte e poesia a Paestum e nel Mediterraneo d’epoca tardo-arcaica.

griechische musik instrumental

Hagel, Understanding early auloi: Instruments from Paestum, Pydna and elsewhere. Festschrift Ricardo Eichmann, Wiesbaden 2021, 165–173.

griechische musik instrumental

Hagel, ‘Coptic lutes’ scales – finding a robust approach. Hagel, Assessing unknown parameters of instrument finds by writing software. Harrauer (edd.), Ancient Greek Music in Performance. Lund (edd.), Musica e Suoni nell’Antica Europa. Lund (edd.), Music and Sounds in Ancient Europe. Tomaschitz, Repertorium der westkilikischen Inschriften, Ergänzungsbände zu den Tituli Asiae Minoris 22, Wien 1998. Antike Melodien im Licht antiker Musiktheorie, P. Hagel, Modulation in altgriechischer Musik.

Griechische musik instrumental